ENEC Organizes School Innovation Festival Motivating Students to Study Science


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The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) hosted hundreds of high school students At its headquarters in Abu Dhabi as part of the Innovation Week, and in line with the “UAE Innovation Month” initiative that is launched by the United Arab Emirates Government. The initiative takes part in partnership with the private sector organizations, and it is one of the largest innovation initiative in the world. It aims to strengthen the UAE position as a global platform for innovation, competitiveness and capacity building.

ENEC organized many scientific activities within the framework of the School Innovation Festival, which aims to provide students with scientific information in an innovative manner using their creative thinking to solve problems and involving them in experiments, which relies on the rules of physics and chemistry.

ENEC also organized this Festival as part of its commitment to a wider awareness program aims at educating students of various levels of the importance of the nuclear energy and its multiple benefits, the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Program, and its role in supporting the economic and social development of the country. This is to encourage students to study science and implant their innovation culture during the school period and beyond.