Quality Assurance

Quality. Safety. Reliability.

!As part of our commitment to safety, ENEC designed a rigorous Quality Assurance (QA) program to ensure that the UAE’s first nuclear energy plant is designed, constructed, commissioned and operated in line with the best industry practices, governing codes and standards, regulations and license requirements.

The aim of our QA program is to ensure that ENEC’s overriding priority - the safety of the UAE community, our employees, the environment and our future plants - is achieved every day.

Our QA program is applied to all aspects of our work and we conduct regular training sessions, assessments and audits to ensure our high standards are being met and continually improved upon. Importantly, our QA program applies not just to ENEC, but also to every contractor and sub-contractor involved in the program – the entire supply chain.

By extending our QA program to all of our activities, we aim to achieve the highest standards in safety, quality, availability and reliability. To date, ENEC has dedicated more than 41,000 man-hours to quality audits for all aspects of the program.

Like our philosophy on safety, we believe that everyone is responsible for quality, and it is this approach that will drive continual improvement in everything we do.